Daily Science Fiction’s February 2013 line-up

Editor Jonathan Laden writes with the schedule of what will be appearing on Daily Science Fiction for the month of February.

February 1: “Substitutes” by Colin P. Davies
February 4: “Hungry” by Robert E. Stutts
February 5: “Wildness and Wet” by Lee Hallison
February 6: “Seashells” by Lavie Tidhar
February 7: “The Time Travel Device” by James Van Pelt
February 8: “A Phone, My Heart, and Maybe My Last Shred of Dignity” by Luc Reid
February 11: “For the People” by Ronald D. Ferguson
February 12: “The Needs of Hollow Men” by K.A. Rundell
February 13: “A Hairy Predicament” by Melissa Mead [Twisted Fairytales]
February 14: “Maps” by Beth Cato
February 15: “Five Minutes” by Conor Powers-Smith
February 18: “The Mountain” by Andrew Kozma
February 19: “Coffee Pot” by Jez Patterson
February 20: “I Heard You Got a Cat, I Heard You Named Him Charles” by M. Bennardo
February 21: “Coin Op” by David Steffen
February 22: “Crabapple” by Lavie Tidhar
February 25: “Living with Trees” by Geetanjali Dighe
February 26: “The Small Print” by Amy McLane
February 27: “Hazel Tree” by Melissa Mead [Twisted Fairytales]
February 28: “Hope, Shattered” by Brian R. McDowell