Adam Sandler and Jack & Jill sweep the Razzies

A press release from the Golden Raspberry Award Foundation:
Ninety-seven percent of the critics at Rotten Tomatoes disliked Adam Sandler’s two-for-one twaddle-fest of a twin comedy Jack & Jill—and apparently 100% of Razzie Award Voters agreed. In April Fools’ night ceremonies in Santa Monica, Jack & Jill set a new record, becoming the first film in the 32-year history of the Razzies to “win” every single tacky trophy handed out at the annual Oscar spoof—a total of ten Dis-Honors.
Sandler started the night with a record 11 nominations for himself as an actor, writer, producer and “actress”. And, although not all 10 Razzies awarded to Jack & Jill were for Sandler personally, the results suggest that Sandler may want to wait awhile before ever donning drag again. In addition to Worst Picture, Jill “won” for Sandler as both Worst Actor and Worst Actress (another unprecedented feat) as well as Al Pacino (playing himself and wildly wooing the female Sandler character) as Worst Supporting Actor, Sandler’s best bud David Spade (also appearing in drag in a cameo role as a buxom bully named “Monica”) as Worst Supporting Actress, longtime Sandler collaborator Dennis Dugan, jointly awarded Worst Director for both Jack & Jill and one of three other Razzie nominated 2011 titles from Happy Madison Productions, Just Go With It.
Links to a complete list of “winners” are on this page.
In an interesting side note, it was not just the 657 Voting Members of the Golden Raspberry Award Foundation who deemed Sandler the year’s worst. In conjunction with Rotten, the G.R.A.F. opened up voting for Worst Screen Couple to the general public for the berry first time. With balloting conducted on the Rotten Tomatoes website, 35,117 votes were cast—and Jack & Jill barely nosed out the cast of Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part I.
The Razzies were created in 1980 as a logical antidote to Tinsel Town’s annual glut of self- congratulatory awards by John Wilson, author of The Official Razzie Movie Guide and Everything I Know I Learned at the Movies. “Winners” were determined in 9 of this year’s 10 categories by an online Final Ballot available to 657 Voting Members in 46 U.S. states and 17 foreign countries.
Related articles previously published on SFScope:
2011 Razzie Award Nominees Announced (25 February 2012)