Ralph Vicinanza Literary Agency Closing

SFScope received a copy of the following letter, which was recently sent to clients of the Ralph Vicinanza Literary Agency, announcing the impending closure of the agency. Founder Ralph Vicinanza died last September (see this obituary):
Dear Clients:
On May 9, 2011 the two agents employed by Ralph Vicinanza Literary Agency quit their jobs without giving any notice. As a result the agency is no longer able to accept any new business. At this time you should retain a new literary agent. We will of course promptly pay you all royalty checks as they are received from publishers. The office address and telephone number is unchanged and the office support staff is available to help you.
Please contact:
Michael Billie (e-mail: michael dot billie at vicinanzaltd dot com)
303 West 18th Street
New York, NY 10011
I want to thank you for your loyalty to my brother Ralph Vicinanza. He was deeply devoted to each and every one of you. We will do our best to help you go through this period of transition.
Louise Billie, Executor
Estate of Ralph M. Vicinanza